Home Recruitment Find Twitter Influencers with Tweeple Twitter Search

Find Twitter Influencers with Tweeple Twitter Search

by Noel Cocca

If you’re interested in sourcing via Twitter, you’re probably familiar with the ever-popular tool called Followerwonk.

Tweeple Search is comparable to Followerwonk, yes. Tweeple is also better.

When you search, the tool locates matching text in people’s Twitter bios and ranks the results by the number of followers. 

That’s where the similarities end.

Unlike Followerwonk, Tweeple Search offers more than just a bio search. Once you switch to the “Influencer search” mode, things get interesting. You can search for queries and keywords in article content people have shared over the web. Then the tool ranks results by the number of shares those articles received.

What all that means for you, as a recruiter, is that you can make sure the user has truly influenced a topic, as opposed to merely having specified it in their bio text. In other words, you can find the contact info of real influencers rather than just people with big unengaged followings and a Twitter feed where you can hear crickets chirping all day long. 

So if we could only pick one out of Followerwonk and Tweeple Twitter Search, we would definitely go with Tweeple. It has everything its counterpart has to offer — plus a whole lot more. 

You can get started with Tweeple for free right here

The post Find Twitter Influencers with Tweeple Twitter Search appeared first on RD Dev Site.

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